At IJAL, we receive a number of books for review purposes. If you are interested in contributing with a review of any of the titles listed below, please contact the Book Review Editor at Inform us of the title you wish to review, your affiliation and the address you would like the book to be sent to. By agreement with the Book Review Editor, you may also submit reviews of books that are not in the list, provided that you have a copy of the book you wish to review.

Instructions for Book Reviews

  • Your book review title should be in the following format: Marta Cerezo Moreno and Nieves Pascual Soler (eds.) (2016). Traces of Aging. Old Age and Memory in Contemporary Narrative. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, 191 pp. ISBN 978 3 8376 3439 6 (paperback)
  • Language. British or American English is accepted as long as consistency is observed. Please edit your work before submission.
  • Format your book review correctly. The main text should be double spaced and written in Times New Roman font size 12. If headers are nescessary, they should be written in bold.
  • Check that your book review has the correct length. We allow up to 1,200 words for book reviews.
  • Reviewer name and affiliation. As book reviews do not undergo peer review, you may write your full name, affiliation and contact details under the book title.
  • References are not nescessary. However, if using references, use IJAL's style of referencing. Examples of references below:
Gilleard, C. & Higgs, P. (2000). Cultures of Ageing. London: Prentice Hall.
Chapter in a book
Antonucci, T. C. (2001). Social relations: An examination of social networks, social support, and sense of control. In J. E. Birren & K. W. Schaie (eds.), Handbook of the Psychology of Aging (5th ed., pp. 427–453). San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
Article in a journal
Reynolds, F., Farrow, A. & Blank, A. (2012). “Otherwise it would be nothing but cruises”: exploring the subjective benefits of working beyond 65. International Journal of Ageing and Later Life 7(1): 79-106.
  • Deadline. The deadline for writing book reviews is two months from when the book is received. If a book review is not submitted in time, IJAL reserves the right to ask for the book to be returned to us. Please also note that acceptance for publication is not guaranteed prior to submission.

Books available for review

Crespi, I., Meda, S.G., & Merla, L. (Eds.) (2018). Making Multicultural Families in Europe. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan

Horn, V. (2019). Aging within transnational families: the case of older Peruvians. Anthem Press.