Contextual barriers to artistic practices among older people: How do older artists perceive them?

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Karima Chacur
Feliciano Villar
Rodrigo Serrat


Research on older people’s artistic participation has mainly focused on its benefits. Fewer studies have addressed the antecedents of older people’s artistic participation, especially the barriers to artistic practices, and particularly those related with contextual factors. In this study, we examined from a socioecological perspective which contextual barriers older artists perceive when they are carrying out their artistic practices. We conducted semi-structured individual interviews with 30 older visual artists and craftspeople. We found six themes relating to contextual barriers to the artistic practice: changes in cultural context; value of arts and crafts; dissemination of artistic work; financial difficulties; discrimination against women; and the covid-19 pandemic. Our study expands on previous research on antecedents of artistic participation among older people, and specifically on barriers. Finally, our study suggests the need to decrease these barriers by implementing programmes aimed at older artists maintaining their artistic practices for as long as possible.


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