Perceptions of a good life for the oldest old living at home

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Ariel Almevall
Päivi Juuso
Karin Zingmark
Carina Nilsson


An increasing number of people are growing older and living longer in their homes. This study aims to describe key stakeholders’ (politicians, managers, and professionals) perceptions of a good life for single-living oldest old persons living at home with extensive needs for support. Inter­views with stakeholders were analysed with content analysis. The analy­sis resulted in the theme: An incongruence between intentions and actions in promoting a good life for the oldest old. Our findings show a gap between intentions and actions, which caused feelings of powerlessness in the key stakeholders. To promote a good life for the oldest old persons, a congruence is needed between individual awareness and the prerequisite of promoting a good life. Developing methods that identify and bridge gaps between intentions and actions could support the abilities of organ­isations to promote a good life for the oldest old persons with extensive needs for support.


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