Educational needs of Japan’s dementia care workforce: results of a national online survey

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Michael J. Annear
Fumi Nagasawa
Kano Terawaki
Fuyuko Nagarekawa
Xin Gao
Junko Otani


Dementia prevalence is increasing in Japan commensurate with population ageing. This study addresses the paucity of research concerning the dementia education needs of Japanese health workers who care for older adults. A random sample of 117 aged care workers was generated from government lists of institutions and services across eight regions of Japan. Volunteer respondents completed an online survey concerning perceptions of dementia, professional educational needs and demographic information. Japanese aged care workers identified a high prevalence of dementia among their clients and acknowledged the value of professional education; however, they only reported moderate levels of dementia knowledge and confidence with care provision. Educational preferences included learning about non-pharmacological treatments for behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia, workshop and mentor-based programmes, and incentivising education through formal certification and targeting content to professions. This research may inform the development of educational interventions for aged care workers, which may ultimately affect care for people with dementia.


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