“The baby-boom is over and the ageing shock awaits”: populist media imagery in news-press representations of population ageing

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Anna Sofia Lundgren
Karin Ljuslinder


From an international perspective, media representations of population ageing have been described as apocalyptic in character. In this article, we analyse the way population ageing is represented in three Swedish newspapers: Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter and Västerbottens-Kuriren. The aim is to investigate Swedish news-press representations of population ageing and the old age identities that they offer. We conduct qualitative analyses of the articulations between the verbal content and the use of illustrations, metaphorical language, headlines and captions using the concepts offered by discourse theory. The analysis of the material shows that the studied newspapers firmly position population ageing within a wider discourse of political economy and as a threat to the concept of welfare. Growth is promoted as a self-evident means for adjusting to the expected threat. Illustrations and metaphorical language helped to constitute population ageing as a serious, dichotomised (e.g. young vs. Old) and emotive (e.g. addressing anxiety and ear) problem. The analyses also show how the representations of population ageing bear some populist features, and we argue that such features support a de-politicisation of the phenomenon population ageing.


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AB November 7, 1996. Vårdgap kräver mer pengar [Care-gap Requires More Money] (P. Björklund).

AB January 25, 2002. Barnbidraget borde höjas [Child Allowance Should be Raised] (unsigned).

AB August 21, 2003. Framtiden finns utanför Europa [The Future is Outside Europe] (R. Spånt).

AB April 24, 2007. Storrökare har också rätt till vård [Heavy Smokers also Entitled to Health Care] (Y. Stenius).

AB September 24, 2007. Pensionsbluffen [The Pension fraud] (B. Åsman).

AB June 1, 2009. Se upp, snart är det val! [Watch Out, It’s Election Soon!] (R. Castenfelt).

DN November 18, 1991. Pensionärsboomen [The Senior Boom] (unsigned).

DN January 29, 1992. De äldre hänger inte med [The Elderly Do Not Keep Up] (A. Christensen).

DN December 10, 1993. Rekordåren over för Japans del [Banner Years Over for Japan] (J. Schuck).

DN October 26, 1996. Skär ner för äldrevårdens skull [Cut Down for Sake of Geriatric Care] (M. Wallström).

DN July 12, 1998. Vart går börsen när de grå säljer? [Where Does the Stock Market Go When the Grey Sell?] (H. Bergström).

DN January 2, 1999. Kris i befolkningsfrågan – igen [Crisis in the Population Question – Again] (N. Lindstrand & Per Mortensen).

DN August 18, 1999. Olyckskorpar kraxar om seniorboomen [Pessimists Croak About the Senior Boom] (K. Molin).

DN October 10, 1999. 2000-talet – de äldres århundrade [The 2000s – Century of the Elders] (H. Bergström).

DN December 8, 1999. Kommunalråd otidsenlig [Local Government Commissioner Anachronistic] (A. Björklund).

DN May 16, 2001. Ny Temoundersökning avslöjar oro bland svenskarna [New Temo Survey Reveals Concern Among Swedes] (A. Lindgren, T. Möller & J. Palme).

DN May 29, 2001. Persson varnar för vårdvinst [Persson Warns of Health Care Gain] (C. Jacobsson).

DN February 21, 2002. Äldreomsorgen: Mörk framtid för de gamla [Elder Care: Dark Future for the Old] (L. Alfredsson).

DN May 12, 2002. Ny forskarrapport om hur den offentliga välfärden ska räddas: Höjda avgifter krävs inom omsorgen [New Research Report on How to Save Public Welfare: Raised Fees are Required in Care] (T. M. Andersson& P. Molander).

DN March 14, 2003. Låt staten ta över ansvaret för vården. Stockholmarna kan inte... [Let the State Take Over Responsibility for Health Care. Stockholmers can not...] (I. Wennmo & A. Fransson).

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DN February 7, 2004. Sverige har fem år på sig att lösa problemen med sin åldrande befolkning [Sweden has five years to solve the problems with population ageing] (J. Schuck).

DN November 9, 2003. Rovdriften på svenskarna [The ruthless exploitation of the Swedes] (N. Ekdal).

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DN October 5, 2005. En krasch är på väg [Crash on its way] (J. Shück).

DN October 19, 2005. Välfärdsklyftan växer – unga de stora förlorarna [Welfare Gap Grows – The Young are the Big Losers] (J. Vogel & L. Häll).

DN November 11, 2005. Japans gamla tar över jobben [Japan’s Old Take Over Jobs] (J. Thunqvist).

DN January 18, 2006. Kjell-Olof Feldt vill ha nytt skattesystem efter valet [Kjell-Olof Feldt Wants New Tax System After the Election] (K. Kamp).

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